The Osmonds Second Generation is not only a performing group with a well known name, but they are also all Eagle Scouts.
These eight boys, Michael, Nathan, Doug, David, Scott, Jon, Alex and Tyler are the sons of Alan and Suzanne Osmond. Alan and Suzanne have completed training in Scouting and have served as Cubmaster, committee chairman and in Varsity Scouting leadership.
They took very seriously what Ronald Regan said about Scouting: “Scouting and receiving an Eagle Scout Award is one of the best things a young man can have on his résumé showing leadership skills in his youth.”
“We did NOT want our sons to work hard just to get the badges and an Eagle rank but, to learn the values that Scouting teaches! What better program is there than this to teach how to be Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent?”
Seven of these sons have gone on to teach others those values and use skills they learned in Scouting as they served full-time missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Michael served in the Denmark, Copenhagen Mission; Nathan in Chile, Santiago North; Doug
in South Africa, Johannesburg; David in Spain, Madrid; Scott inParaguay, Asuncion North; Jon in Brazil, Brasilia; and Alex is currently serving in Georgia Atlanta North Mission. Tyler is currently still in high school, but plans on serving a mission in the future. Each of them feel Scouting helped them to “Be Prepared” for these experiences and their futures in many ways.
Those that are married have been married in the temple. Scott is currently serving as a Scoutmaster and all are teaching their own children and families Scouting values.
“We believe in the values that Scouting teaches and encourage all families to get behind this program,”
Article submitted by Alan Osmond
Boy Scouts of America

A warm thank you from another parent and Scouter, for you and your wife and for your sons, for demonstrating such a great commitment to the aims of Scouting.
Good Job guys! Becoming an Eagle Scout is a great acheivement, that I have never regretted. It has led me to sucess in the Marine Corps, and in my carrer and life. Your hard work is inspiring.
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