Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Brandon Osmond Photography - The Insider

So I've been getting more and more emails and messages about the family photo that I did for my family because supposedly there are a lot of people that didn't get to see that coverage on the insider. So here is the photo of my great family (at least I think there great)... The photo is small because the blogger template column is not very wide and the picture is pretty panoramic so I'm sorry about that.

The story of this picture is that my family wanted to do a new picture now that we have two new additions to the family, Shelby and Emery. So we went to this field and I saw these weeds and I thought "this is perfect!" but I think that my family thought I was a bit crazy. We got out and I put the camera on a tripod but I forgot my remote to get the camera to take the picture so I had to run back and forth for the 10 different shots we took like this. I'm sure it was kind of funny to see if you didn't know what was happening. Despite the embarrassment of running back and forth it turned out great and it even had airtime on the insider.

Left to Right
Me (Brandon), my HOT wife (Shelby, The best addition to the family by a long shot), Don, Dad (Donny because you dont know him as dad only I do haha), Mom (Debbie...ditto), Josh, Chris, Emery, Melisa, Jeremy, Dylan


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